The discovery encourages researchers to know better about anti-cancer substances in honey. It hopes that many newest researches will affirm honey benefits which is very potent to halt the spreading of vicious diseases.
Honey reputation as medicine for respiration problem is still affirmated today. Honey can drive out phlegm or liquid that cloggs up bronchial tube. Greek and Roman people believed that honey can be used as decongestant.
Opera singers also fond of using honey as to take care of their throat. A glass of warm water mixed with lemon and honey can help them to clear away their laryngitis. It is because honey has the power of desinfectant. Honey can enhance saliva production that can take care of dry throat.
Honey also has light sedative feature. That is why traditional people often admix honey with milk to be drunk before sleeping. Milk with honey can make them relax and sleep faster.
Most of all sweet food, including honey, will trigger brain to produce endorfin in the body. Because of its high fructose level, honey has little effect of loosen the bowel.
It is also believed that honey is ever to be used as aphrodisiac. The term of honeymoon actually comes from ancient tradition of North Europe people. At that time, newlywed had to consume honey and mead in order to arouse their sexual appetite.
According to Ibnu Sina, if you want to be always young and healthy although you get along in years, you must consume honey routinely.
Women in Egypt, Greece and Rusia reportedly always use honey to take care of their face skin in order to stay beautiful and clean. Honey is used to wash out of stain and hyperpigmentation and prevent from wrinkle. You can make skin lotion by yourself by mixing honey 100 gram with 25 ml of alcohol and 25 ml of fresh water.
The flavor of honey is greatly influenced by the kind of flower which the bees consume its nectar. Today we can find many flavor of honey, such as silk-cotton honey, tamarind honey, manggo, apple etc.
However, if the bee consumes nectar of poisonous flower, the honey they produce poisonous too. For example, if the bees suck nectar from rhodonderon flower, the honey they produce will cause paralyzing. Some poisonous plants, beside rhodonderon, are azalea, andromeda, agave, atropa, datura,
euphorbia, kalmia, gelsemium, and melaleuca. The poisonous honey usually wild honey.
Before sugar was invented, in the medieval ages, honey was used as the sweet flavor for every food. At the end of 17 century, sugar was more popular than honey as a sweeter. But, the English queen and her family still always used honey for their food. So why we not keep up with the Queen.
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