There is more something interesting in honey. Medicians usually warn diabetic patients to consume foods or sweet drinks in case of the level of sugar in the blood will rise. According to a research, this doctor's warning can not be applied for honey.
Honey can lower the sugar level in blood for diabetic patients. Some researchs shows that there is oxidation subtance in honey that enable sugar expansion far easier. This make the sugar level in blood not arise.
Its content that is rich of vitamin B1, B5 and G make honey very important for diabetic patients. Honey also contains at least 100 different elements which are very important for human body, especially diabetic patients.
Athenaeus, a Greek philosopher and a writer, said that if everyone routinely drinks honey, they will be free of any diseases in the rest of his life.
The philosopher is right, because there are many kinds of unique and potential nutrition in honey to take care of our health and beauty. Honey has a great power of healing. Many nutritions in it has long to be used to cope burning injury, to increase stamina, to uplift sexual desire, and even to prevent from cancer. This gold-color liquid is also used to keep the skin beauty.
A scientist from Illionis University at Urbana, USA, wrote in a Journal of Agricultural Research that the benefits of every honey is maybe different. However, all kinds of honey certainly contain the same amount of antioxidant agent, such as vitamin E and C. The antioxidant is believed enable to prevent from cancer, heart disease and other diseases.
According to prof. Dr. H. Muhilal, a nutritionist from The Center of Nutrition Research and Development, Bogor, honey contains amino acid, carbohydrate, protein, some vitamins and mineral that are easily absorbed by the body. Free amino acid in honey can help the process of healing. Honey is also used as a formation of neurotransmitter, a subtance used to optimize brain function. Honey also contains useful antibiotic substance to defeat patogen viruses.
The type of carbohydrate in honey is simple. The overall compositions of honey are water 17,1%; total carbohydrate 82,4%; protein, amino acid, vitamin, and mineral 0,5%. The main carbohydrate consists of fructose 38,5% and glucose 31%. The rest of carbohydrate is 12,9% which consists of maltose, sucrose, and other sugar. As carbohydrate, a spoontable of honey can supply energy 64 calorie.
Because of its healthy content, it is not astonished that honey was used by Ancient Egypt to cure burning injury and wound. It was known then at that time that honey had antiseptic and antimicobial features. Because of its potent to slown down bacterial development, honey can faster the healing process of injury.
The similar statement is also stated by dr. Peter Molan from University of Waikato, New Zealand. He added that honey also stimulate the development of new cells.
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