Sunday, November 29, 2009

Discusion about cholesterol

The cholesterol in fact is the result of fat solution in the body. Cholesterol is also needed by the body, although just in a few. Such as for the material to form cell membrane, or as the framer material to form bile salt. When being abundant but still can be tolerated by the body, cholesterol is proccessed the heart into the energy source subtituting sugar. However, when the amount of it is totally over supply, cholesterol will be kept on the muscle and on the light network under the skin (for example in the thigh, upper arm, stomach and bottom).

Cholesterol also can be obtained by eating fatty food. To reduce it of course by reducing fatty food. But some people has gene deviation that can cause him have very little amount of enzyme to break cholesterol. Whereas the gene has genetic feature and can not be changed.

Therefore, for someone who has high level of cholesterol, he has also high risk to suffer cardiovaskuler illness like: stroke, heart or the disturbance of kidney and liver.

When the use of the lowered-cholesterol medicine is used, can be seen from the example below:
Patient 1:
Total cholesterol is 400, but his age is just 25 years. does not have hypertension, the level of blood sugar is normal, and his family does not have history of heart disease in the young age. His height is 180 cm and his weight is 100 cm.
Patient 2:
Total cholesterol is 200, but his age is 55 years, have hypertension and diabetes, the level of LDL (bad cholesterol) is 150, had been attacked by heart disease.

Fom the case above, cholesterol medicine is needed by patient 2. For the patient 1, it is recommended to do physical exercise and consume balanced food, also reducing the portion of fat until 10-15%.

Basically, there are many things to be considered if we want to take cholesterol medicine. It is because there are many kinds of cholesterol medicine, depending what kind of cholesterol that must be reduced. Besides, most cholesterol medicines are expensive and some of them have bad side-effect.

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