Monday, October 19, 2009

Renal Failure

Kidney is an important organ in the body and has a function of throwing away garbage metabolism and body poison in the form of urine/the urine, that afterwards is issued from the body.

What is Renal Failure?
Renal Failure is the situation when the kidney declines in function, caused by accumulation of poison in the body and the waste of metabolism. Heavy failure or not depends on how far the kidney damaged.

How is the symptom of renal failure?
Renal failure will cause some signs which called Uremic Syndrome such as:
- nausea, vomited
- appetite descended
- had a headache, weak
- often caught a cold
- breathless, inflated, diarrhoea
- often singultus
- at first often urine tonight, afterwards urine decreased or in no urine at all.
- in difficult situation, the awareness will decline, accompanied by muscle-bound.

How many kinds of Renal Failure?
There are two kinds:
- Acute Renal Failure
it abruptly come, but can be healed completely
- Chronic Renal Failure
It happens in phases, and can not be cured. However, if the patient takes medicine regulary, it can prevent from another damage of the kidney.

What are the causes of Acute Renal Failure?
Pre Renal Cause: diarrhea and vomiting, bleeding, or wide burn.
Renal Cause: Acute glumerulonefritis (The swollen face, swollen foot, blood pressure increased, sometimes accompanied by waist pain and urine color is red)
Post Renal Cause: urinary tract is clogged up (tumour stone, the blood clot, etc.), marked with great waist pain, sometimes urine is red, it volume is decreased or no urine at all.

What is the cause of Chronic Renal Failure?
The cause of chronic renal failure are:
- chronic glumerulonefritis (swollen face, high blood pressure, urine decreased or no urine at all)
- diabetes melitus
- Hypertension
- kidney stone,
- drugs

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